Hodgins Road
Belledune, New Brunswick
E8G 2E3
Business hours
Monday to Friday: 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Because of their PEFC certification, Shaw Resources does not accept wood from any property that will be converted for agricultural use of any kind.
Any length.
CALL 506-548-8958 to inform us if you have any deliveries.
Deliver anytime of the day. Christmas being the only exception.
It would be a good idea to contact Shaw Resources at 522-2839
before making a delivery as it is not guaranteed that there will be someone there to unload.
Please note: All loads must be inspected by a Shaw employee prior to unloading.
NOTICE : We have noticed in the past few weeks that several suppliers come out of their vehicles with no or not all their PPE on.
Our policy states that PPE is to be worn as soon as our property is entered.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The prices listed on the site are the prices you receive.
Phone: (506) 522-2839