
Our History

Our History

The North Shore Forest Products Marketing Board is an organization founded to give all the private woodlot owners bargaining power in negotiations, to sell his/her wood at the best possible price to all available markets and to encourage good woodlot management practices.

Now the struggle is not only to obtain a fair price, but we also need to assure that we do not eliminate our resource. We must restructure to plan for the future, by education and information to ensure that we will have a supply of wood for the market, and a viable resource. We need to expand our silviculture program, plus we need to respect our annual allowable cut to ensure sustainability.

We use the levies (check-off fees) to operate our office, pay our debt and to meet our costs for the expanding silviculture activities.  The check-off levies have been set at 2.8%; 1.8% for the administrative costs and 1% of the mill-delivered price to fund the silviculture activities. Our 2023 silviculture projects are $807 356.

We need to work hard to supply current information and education tools to our owners, to work with government, other Boards and industry in the province to ensure that the interests and needs of the private woodlot owners are kept in the forefront.

We have included a list of our new activities and our new silviculture manual is available to any owner who is interested. Funds are now available for these activities from May through December of each year.  During this period, your may reach our technicians Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm and leave your name and number.  They will be happy to guide you with your needs.

What we do

  • Negotiate wood contract with mills;
  • Make mill payments;
  • Provide accessibility to provincial silviculture programs;
  • Represent the woodlot owners in our area at the mills and government level;
  • Forestry services